No. 160/PMK.04/2010





That in order to exercise provisions of Article 15 paragraph (7) of Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs as amended by Law No. 17/2006, it is necessary to stipulate a Regulation of the Minister of Finance concerning Customs Value for the Calculation of Import Duty;

In view of:

1. Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs (Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia No. 75/1995, Supplement to Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3612) as amended by Law No. 17/2006 (Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia No. 93/2006, Supplement to Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia No. 4661);

2. Presidential Decree No. 56/P/2010;


To stipulate:



Article 1

In this Ministerial Regulation:

1 Customs Law is Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs as amended by Law No. 17/2006.

2. Person is an individual person or legal entity.

3. Inter related persons or those that are related are:

4. Importer is an individual person or legal entity importing goods.

5. Two goods are considered identical, hereinafter called as identical goods, if both are the same in all matters, at least the same physical character, quality, and reputation, and:

6. Two goods are considered to be similar, hereinafter called as similar goods, if both possess the same characteristic and material components, therefore can perform the same functions and can be exchanged commercially, and:

7. Factual proof or objective and measured data is proof or data based on documents that are really available where-in there are certain units, values or measurements in the form of numbers, words and/or sentences.

8. Commercial level is the level or status of a buyer, such as whole seller, retailer, and end user.

9. Customs Value Database is a collection of data of imported goods value on Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF) and/or re-calculated imported goods value, available in a Customs Zone.

10. Testing of genuineness is a checking activity on customs value performed by the Customs and Excise Official in the context of evaluating the genuineness of a customs value notification.

11. Customs Value Information hereinafter abbreviated INP, is a notification of a Customs and Excise Official to an importer to deliver statement on facts related with the transaction of imported goods.

12. Customs Value Declaration hereinafter abbreviated DNP, is a statement of an importer on facts related to a transaction of imported goods accompanied with its supporting documents.

13. Customs Office is an office within the Directorate General of Customs and Excise where customs obligations are fulfilled in accordance with provisions of Customs Law.

14. Customs Zone is the territory of the Republic of Indonesia covering land areas, waters and the air space above it, and certain places in the Exclusive Economy Zone and Continental Shelf where in Customs Law is applicable.

15. Director General is the Director General of Customs and Excise.

16. Customs and Excise Official is an employee of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise assigned in a certain position to perform a certain duty based on Customs Law.

Article 2

(1) Customs value for the calculation of import duty is the value of a transaction of related imported goods meeting certain requirements.

(2) The customs value as intended in paragraph (1) is the customs value available in International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF).

Article 3

(1) In the event customs value for the calculation of import duty cannot be determined based on the transaction value as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1), the customs value shall be determined based on the transaction value of identical goods.

(2) In the event customs value for the calculation of import duty cannot be determined based on the transaction value as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1) and the transaction value of identical goods as intended in paragraph (1), customs value shall be determined based on the transaction value of similar goods.

(3) In the event customs value for the calculation of import duty cannot be determined based on the transaction value as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1), the transaction value of identical goods as intended in paragraph (1) and the transaction value of similar goods as intended in paragraph (2), then the customs value shall be determined based on deduction method.

(4) In the event customs value for the calculation of import duty cannot be determined based on the transaction value as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1), the transaction value of identical goods as intended in paragraph (1), the transaction value of the similar goods as intended in paragraph (2), and the deduction method as intended in paragraph (3), then the customs value shall be determined based on computation method.

(5) In the event customs value for the calculation of import duty cannot be determined based on the transaction value as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1), the transaction value of identical goods as intended in paragraph (1), the transaction value of the similar goods as intended in paragraph (2), the deduction method as intended in paragraph (3), and the computation method as intended in paragraph (4), then the customs value shall be determined based on fallback method (fallback).

Article 4

On the request of an importer, the stipulation of customs value based on the provisions as intended in Article 3 paragraph (4) is entitled to be used preceding the provisions as intended in Article 3 paragraph (3).


Part One
Transaction Value

Article 5

(1) The transaction value as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1) constitutes the price really paid or that must be paid by a buyer to the seller on goods sold for export into Customs Zone added with costs and/or values that must be added to a transaction value on condition that the costs and/or values are not yet included in the price that are really paid or that must be paid.

(2) The transaction value as intended in paragraph (1) shall come from a sale/purchase transaction in a free competition condition.

(3) Costs and/or values as intended in paragraph (1) are in the form of:

(4) Price really paid or that must be paid as intended in paragraph (1) is the total payment of imported goods that had been paid or will be paid by a buyer to the seller or for the interest of the seller.

(5) Price that is really paid or that must be paid as intended in paragraph (1) does not cover:

(6) Price that is really paid or that must be paid as intended in paragraph (1) is entitled to take into account discount elements in accordance with genuineness in trade practices.

(7) Procedure on the stipulation of customs value for the calculation of import duty based on transaction value of the related imported goods is as stipulated in Attachment I of this Minister of Finance Regulation.

Article 6

(1) Costs and/or values that are added to the price that is really paid or that must be paid as intended in Article 5 paragraph (3) must:

(2) Costs and/or values other than those as intended in Article 5 paragraph (3) cannot be added to the price really paid or that must be paid.

(3) Example of the calculation of import duty containing assist originating from Customs Zone is as stipulated in Attachment II of this Minister of Finance Regulation.

Article 7

(1) The transaction value as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1) can be accepted as customs value to the extent it meets the following requirements:

(2) Procedure on checking the effect of relations between the seller and buyer on the price of goods is as stipulated in Attachment III of this Minister of Finance Regulation.

Article 8

The transaction value as intended in Article 2 paragraph (1).shall not be used to determine customs value In the event:

Part Two
Transaction Value of Identical Goods

Article 9

(1) Transaction value of the identical goods as intended in Article 3 paragraph (1) shall be used as basis for the stipulation of customs value to the extent it meets the following requirements:

(2) Import customs notifications as intended in paragraph (1) a shall meet the following criteria:

(3) In the event there is more than one transaction value of identical goods as intended in paragraph (1), the customs value to be used is that having the lowest transaction value.

Article 10

(1) In the event there is no data of identical goods as intended in Article 9 paragraph (1) c, then data of identical goods of other conditions shall be used on condition that adjustments shall be made on the:

(2) The adjustments as intended in paragraph (1) shall be performed based on factual proof or objective and measured data enabling the performance of adjustments properly and precisely.

(3) In the event the factual proof or objective and measured data as intended in paragraph (2) are not available, adjustments cannot be performed and the transaction value of the identical goods cannot be used to determine the customs value.

(4) Example of the adjustment of the level of trade and/or amount of goods is as described in Attachment IV of this Minister of Finance Regulation.

Part Three
Transaction Value of Similar Goods

Article 11

(1) Transaction Value of similar goods as intended in Article 3 paragraph (2) shall be used as basis for the stipulation of customs value on condition it meets the following requirements:

(2) Notification on import customs as intended in paragraph (1) a shall meet the following criteria:

(3) In the event there is more than one transaction value of similar goods as intended in paragraph (1), the lowest transaction value of the similar goods shall be used to determine the customs value.

Article 12

(1) In the event there is no data of similar goods as intended in Article 11 paragraph (1) c, data of similar goods with other conditions may be used to the extent adjustments shall be made on:

(2) The adjustments as intended in paragraph (1) are performed based on factual proof or objective and measured data enabling the performance of adjustments properly and precisely.

(3) In the event the factual proof or objective and measured data as intended in paragraph (2) are not available, adjustments cannot be made and the transaction value of the similar goods may not be used to determine its customs value.

(4) Example of the adjustment of the level of trade and/or amount of goods is as stipulated in Attachment V of this Minister of Finance Regulation.

Part Four
Deduction Method

Article 13

Deduction method as intended in Article 3 paragraph (3) is a method for the stipulation of customs value of imported goods based on unit price arising from sales by an importer in a market within a Customs Zone on:

Article 14

(1) Unit price used as basis for the calculation of deduction method as intended in Article 13 must meet the following requirements:

(2) In the event there is no unit price meeting the requirements as intended in paragraph (1), the deduction method shall not be used to determine the customs value of the related imported goods.

Article 15

(1) The customs value as intended in Article 13 is determined by subtracting the unit price with certain costs arising after an import occurred, i.e.:

(2) Data on the costs as intended in paragraph (1) paragraphs a and b shall be obtained from a buyer, except if the data is not in accordance with common practice in the Customs Zone.

(3) In the event the data as intended in paragraph (2) is not available, the Customs and Excise Official shall use data available in the Customs Zone.

Article 16

(1) In the event there are no imported goods or identical goods or similar goods sold in the condition as during its import in the importing country, then the customs value shall be based on the unit price of the sold imported goods after undergoing further process in the largest amount to a buyer having no relations with the seller in the importing country by taking into account the added value of the goods and the subtracting elements as intended in Article 15 paragraph (1).

(2) Provisions on procedure for the selection of unit price and subtracting costs are as stipulated in Attachment VI of this Minister of Finance Regulation.

Part Five
Computation Method

Article 17

(1) The computation method as intended in Article 3 paragraph (4) is a method for the stipulation of customs value by adding elements forming customs value of the related imported goods, i.e.:

(2) Elements forming the customs value as intended in paragraph (1) include:

(3) Computation method is used only if there is an inter-relation between the seller and the buyer, and the producer or his/her proxy is willing to provide information to Customs and Excise Officials on elements forming customs value and is willing to provide facilities for further checks if required.

(4) Provisions on elements forming customs value based on computation method are stipulated in Attachment VII of this Minister of Finance Regulation.

Part Six
Fallback Method

Article 18

(1) The Fallback Method as intended in Article 3 paragraph (5) is performed by repeating the principles and provisions as intended in Article 5, Article 6, Article 7, Article V8, Article 9, Article 10, Article 11, Article 12, Article 13, Article 14, Article 15, Article 16, and Article 17.

(2) The provisions as intended in paragraph (1) are performed by using a proper and consistent procedure applied flexibly and based on data available in the Customs Zone with certain limitations.

(3) Provisions on the use of Fallback Method are as stipulated in Attachment VIII of this Minister of Finance Regulation.

Article 19

The stipulation lf customs value using the provisions as intended in Article 18 is not permitted to be based on:

Article 20

(1) In the event the transportation costs as intended in Article 5 paragraph (3) e are not yet included in the transaction value, and factual proof or objective and measured data on the amount of transportation costs are not available, then the amount of transportation cost to be used in the stipulation of customs value as intended in Article 18 shall be determined with the following method:

(2) In the event there is more than one type of goods in an import customs notification, the amount of transportation costs for each type of goods shall be determined with the following method:

Article 21

(1) In the event the insurance costs as intended in Article 5 paragraph (3) g are not yet included in the transaction value, and factual proof or objective and measured data on the amount of insurance costs are not available, the amount of insurance costs used in the stipulation of customs value as intended in Article 18 is 0.5% (zero point five percent) of Cost and Freight (CFR) value.

(2) In the event there is more than one type of goods in an import customs notification, the amount of insurance costs for each type of goods shall be determined with the following method:

(3) In the event the insurance costs as intended in Article 5 paragraph (3) g is taken in the Customs Zone based on factual proof or objective and measured data, the amount of insurance costs used in the stipulation of customs value as intended in Article 18 is considered as 0 (zero).


Part One
Customs Value Check

Article 22

(1) In the context of stipulating customs value for the calculation of import duty, Customs and Excise Officials shall perform checks on the notified customs value in import customs notifications and all documents that are its attachments.

(2) Checks on customs value as intended in paragraph (1) cover:

(3) Checks on customs value as intended in paragraph (2) need not be exercised on an import customs notification if the:

(4) The provisions as intended in paragraph (3) are exempted for import customs notifications submitted by the importers as intended in paragraph (3) a and the import receives the track as intended in paragraph (3) c if the imported goods are:

(5) In the event result of the physical checks as intended in Article 22 paragraph (2) e cannot be used to make checks on customs value, the Customs and Excise Official may return the result of the physical checks to the goods checker to be completed so that it can clearly show the type, specification, unit, and amount of goods.

Article 23

(1) If based on the result of the checks as intended in Article 22 paragraph (2) it shows that:

(2) If based on the result of the checks as intended in Article 22 paragraph (2) it shows that:

Part Two
Customs Value Database

Article 24

(1) In the context of checks on customs value as intended in Article 22 paragraph (2) letter f, Customs and Excise Officials shall use Customs Value Database.

(2) The Customs Value Database as intended in paragraph (1) consists of:

(3) Data sources for Customs Value Database I are:

(4) Data sources for Customs Value Database II are import customs notifications the customs value thereof are determined based on transaction value with a date of its Bill of Lading (B/L) or Air Way Bill (AWB) shall be in a maximum of 60 (sixty) days before the compilation of Customs Value Database II.

Article 25

(1) Customs Value Database I as intended in Article 24 paragraph (2) a is used as:

(2) Customs Value Database II as intended in Article 24 paragraph (2) b is used as:

(3) Customs Value Database as intended in Article 24 paragraph (1) is applicable from the initial applicable date stated in the Customs Value Database application system.

(4) Stipulation of the application of Customs Database is made by the Director General or appointed Customs and Excise Official.

Part Three
Genuineness Test

Article 26

(1) Genuineness Test as intended in Article 22 paragraph (2) f is performed by comparing the price of goods notified in the import customs notification with the price of identical goods in Customs Value Database I.

(2) Customs values notified in import customs notifications are categorized:

(3) If based on the result of a genuineness test the customs value is:

Article 27

(1) If comparative data of identical goods is not found in Customs Value Database I, the Customs and Excise Official shall perform genuineness test using the comparative data of identical goods in Customs Value Database II.

(2) The notified customs value in an import customs notification is categorized:

(3) In the event the result of the genuineness test as intended in paragraph (2), the customs value is:

Part Four
Customs Value Information, Customs Value Declaration and Consultation

Article 28

(1) Customs and Excise Officials shall issue and send the INP as intended in Article 26 paragraph (3) b number 2 and Article 27 paragraph (3) b number 2 to the importer by electronic media or with other means of sending.

(2) On the issuance of INP by the Customs and Excise Official as intended in paragraph (1), the importer shall:

(3) If based on the result of checks on DN P there is a transaction value not yet ensured as of its truth and accuracy, the Customs and Excise Official may conduct a consultation with the importer concerned or his/her proxy.

(4) The consultation as intended in paragraph (3) may be exercised only on medium risk category importers or high risk category importers.

(5) In the event the importer did not respond the request as intended in paragraph (2) or the result of the consultation as intended in paragraph (3) the value of transaction cannot be ensured as of its truth and accuracy, the Customs and Excise Official shall stipulate the customs value based on the transaction value of identical goods up to the fallback method according to the hierarchy of its use.

(6) Form of INP as intended in paragraph (2) is in accordance with the example stipulated in Attachment IX of this Minister of Finance Regulation.

(7) Format of DNP as intended in paragraph (3) is in accordance with the example stipulated Attachment X of this Minister of Finance Regulation.


Article 29

(1) A Customs and Excise Official is entitled to stipulate customs value of imported goods for the calculation of import duty before the delivery of the import customs notifications or within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of the import customs notifications.

(2) Stipulation within the period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of the import customs notification as intended in paragraph (1) may be made only if the notified customs value differs from the real customs value of goods, hence:

(3) Stipulation before the delivery of the import customs notification as intended in paragraph (1) shall be made on certain imports by official assessment such as on temporary import, passenger goods and sent goods.

Article 30

(1) The Director General is authorized to make a re-stipulation of customs value for the calculation of import duty within a period of two (2) years accounted for from the date of the import customs notifications.

(2) In the context of the re-stipulation as intended in paragraph (1), re-checks or customs audit shall be made on the customs value.

(3) If based on the result of the re-checks or the performance customs audit on the customs value as intended in paragraph (2), it is found that:

Article 31

(1) For the purpose of the re-stipulation of customs value, Director General may demand for explanations and proofs supporting the truth and accuracy of the informed value of transaction.

(2) On the demand of the Director General as intended in paragraph (1), the importer shall:

(3) If the importer did not fulfil the demand as intended in paragraph (2), the Director General is entitled to use data available in the customs zone to re-stipulate the customs value.

Article 32

(1) In the stipulation of customs value, the Customs and Excise Official shall fill-in forms on Scrutinizing and Stipulation of Customs value.

(2) Forms on Scrutinizing and Stipulation of Customs Value as intended in paragraph (1) constitute work papers and brochures on the stipulation of customs value made by the Customs and Excise Official.


Article 33

The importer is responsible on the truth of data, documents and/or statements submitted in the context of the stipulation of customs value.

Article 34

All information or data related with customs value having a confidential nature must be treated confidentially and not permitted to be disseminated without the approval of the party providing the information or data, unless it is required for judicature process in accordance with provisions of prevailing legislations.

Article 35

Performance provisions on Customs Value Database, Consultation Mechanism, Filling-in of Research Forms and Stipulation of Customs Value shall further be regulated with a regulation of the Director General.

Article 36

Attachments of this Minister of Finance Regulation, i.e.:


Article 37

By the time this Minister of Finance Regulation commences to come to effect;

1. For import customs notifications with a registration date before this Minister of Finance Regulation comes to effect, the stipulation of customs value for the calculation of import duty shall use Decree of the Minister of Finance No. 690/KMK.05/1996 on Customs Value for the Calculation of import duty.

2. Decree of the Minister of Finance No. 690/KMK.05/1996 concerning Customs Value for the calculation of import duty shall be revoked and declared as not in effect any more.

Article 38

This Ministerial Regulation commence into effect after 30 (thirty) days from the date of enactment.

For public cognizance, this Ministerial Regulation shall be announced by placing it in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated on Jakarta
On September 1, 2010